"Overall, the book is quite strong, and offers useful and thorough overviews, a difference from the usual reworks and overviews that pervade edited volumes--in this sense, the editors are to be congratulated. . . . [T]his book is a useful picture of the state of the field, and could be a basis for graduate-level seminars treating the field of disease ecology."--A. Townsend Peterson, Quarterly Review of Biology
"This book introduces the latest thinking in an exciting new field in biology: disease ecology. The authors assembled represent the most diverse collection of experts ever appearing together in one book on the subject. Both graduate students and readers from outside the field will find it exceptionally useful. It will be the source."--Peter Kareiva, Nature Conservancy
"This book provides the most comprehensive treatment of the ecology of infectious diseases that has appeared in the last decade. To have so many examples and so much top-notch scholarship in the same volume is extraordinarily useful."--Michael F. Antolin, Colorado State University
"Infectious Disease Ecology provides new and useful insights that expand upon earlier works in the field."--Gregory E. Glass, BioScience
"[T]his is an enormously useful book which, for the first time, brings together a wide range of disciplinary expertise under the umbrella of a comprehensive, integrated approach towards understanding the interrelationship between disease and ecology. . . . This book is tremendously recommendable. It provides comprehensive cutting edge insights into the fascinating interplay of the proximate and ultimate forces that shape the host-pathogen race. . . . It will be the standard for some time to come."--Holger Schutkowski, Journal of Archaeological Science
"One exciting aspect of this book is that 'ecologists' and 'epidemiologists' and 'microbiologists' and 'botanists' and various other scholars were brought together to share ideas, data, and inferences. This volume reflects such interdisciplinary exchange, and more interactions like this are sorely needed. . . . It is highly recommended as a useful set of readings for ecologists interested in disease-causing microbes, and for epidemiologists seeking understanding of the ecosystem interactions that affect infectious agent transmission."--Mark L. Wilson, Ecology
List of Contributors xi
Introduction by Felicia Keesing, Richard S. Ostfeld, and Valerie T. Eviner 1
PART I: Effects of Ecosystems on Disease
Introduction by Felicia Keesing 9
CHAPTER ONE: Effects of Host Diversity on Disease Dynamics by Michael Begon 12
CHAPTER TWO: The Role of Vector Diversity in Disease Dynamics by Alison G. Power and Alexander S. Flecker 30
CHAPTER THREE: Understanding Host- Multipathogen Systems: Modeling the Interaction between Ecol ogy and Immunology by Pejman Rohani, Helen J. Wearing, Daniel A. Vasco, and Yunxin Huang 48
CHAPTER FOUR: Influence of Eutrophication on Disease in Aquatic Ecosystems: Patterns, Pro cesses, and Predictions by Pieter T. J. Johnson and Stephen R. Carpenter 71
CHAPTER FIVE: Landscape Structure, Disturbance, and Disease Dynamics by Hamish McCallum 100
PART II: Effects of Disease on Ecosystems
Introduction by Valerie T. Eviner 125
CHAPTER SIX: Effects of Disease on Keystone Species, Dominant Species, and Their Communities by Sharon K. Collinge, Chris Ray, and Jack F. Cully, Jr. 129
CHAPTER SEVEN: Red Queen Communities by Keith Clay, Kurt Reinhart, Jennifer Rudgers, Tammy Tintjer, Jennifer Koslow, and S. Luke Flory 145
CHAPTER EIGHT: Invasion Biology and Parasitic Infections by Sarah E. Perkins, Sonia Altizer, Ottar Bjornstad, Jeremy J. Burdon, Keith Clay, Lorena Gómez- Aparicio, Jonathan M. Jeschke, Pieter T. J. Johnson, Kevin D. Lafferty, Carolyn M. Malmstrom, Patrick Martin, Alison Power, David L. Strayer, Peter H. Thrall, and Maria Uriarte. 179
CHAPTER NINE: Effects of Disease on Community Interactions and Food Web Structure by Kevin D. Lafferty 205
CHAPTER TEN: Is Infectious Disease Just Another Type of Predator- Prey Interaction? by Spencer R. Hall, Kevin D. Lafferty, James M. Brown, Carla E. Cáceres, Jonathan M. Chase, Andrew P. Dobson, Robert D. Holt, Clive G. Jones, Sarah E. Randolph, and Pejman Rohani 223
CHAPTER ELEVEN: Microbial Disease in the Sea: Effects of Viruses on Carbon and Nutrient Cycling by Mathias Middelboe 242
CHAPTER TWELVE: Effects of Pathogens on Terrestrial Ecosystem Function by Valerie T. Eviner and Gene E. Likens 260
CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Disease Effects on Landscape and Regional Systems: A Resilience Framework by F. Stuart Chapin III, Valerie T. Eviner, Lee M. Talbot, Bruce A. Wilcox, Dawn R. Magness, Carol A. Brewer, and Daniel S. Keebler 284
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Research Frontiers in Ecological Systems: Evaluating the Impacts of Infectious Disease on Ecosystems by Sharon L. Deem, Vanessa O. Ezenwa, Jessica R. Ward, and Bruce A. Wilcox 304
PART III: Management and Applications
Introduction by Richard S. Ostfeld 321
CHAPTER FIFTEEN: The Community Context of Disease Emergence: Could Changes in Predation Be a Key Driver? by Robert D. Holt 324
CHAPTER SIXTEEN: The Emergence of Wildlife Disease and the Application of Ecology by Peter J. Hudson, Sarah E. Perkins, and Isabella M. Cattadori 347
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Applied Biodiversity Science: Managing Emerging Diseases in Agriculture and Linked Natural Systems Using Ecological Principles by K. A. Garrett and C. M. Cox 368
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: The Ecol ogy of an Infectious Coral Disease in the Florida Keys: From Pathogens to Politics by James W. Porter, Erin K. Lipp, Kathryn P. Sutherland, and Erich Mueller 387
CHAPTER NINETEEN: Infection and Ecol ogy: Calomys callosus, Machupo Virus, and Acute Hemorrhagic Fever by Karl M. Johnson 404
CHAPTER TWENTY: Resolved: Emerging Infections of Humans Can Be Controlled by Ecological Interventions by C. J. Peters 423
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: From Ecological Theory and Knowledge to Application by James E. Childs 441
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: Educating about Infectious Disease Ecol ogy by Carol A. Brewer, Alan R. Berkowitz, Patricia A. Conrad, James Porter, and Margaret Waterman 448
PART IV Concluding Comments: Frontiers in the Ecology of Infectious Diseases
The Ecology of Infectious Diseases: Progress, Challenges, and Frontiers by Richard S. Ostfeld, Felicia Keesing, and Valerie T. Eviner 469
Index 483