Want your own free website?
Did you think only a professional web-designer could create that?
If so then you're in luck, because it's never been easier or less expensive to make your own free website. Yes, you really can do this; anyone can because it's easy!
There's no need to learn HTML coding anymore because venues have made it simple with WYSIWYG editing (what you see is what you get). This book is a comprehensive, straight to the point, simple to follow guide. It's written in terms anyone can understand from the computer beginner to advanced users who will benefit from extra advice.
With this guide you'll learn to:
? Make Free Websites.
? Make Free Blogs.
? Customize Your Widgets.
? Sell With PayPal buttons.
? Drive Traffic with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.
? Maximize SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
? Rise in Google-Yahoo-Bing rankings.
? Submit free Online Articles and Press Releases.
? Grow an Email List of Contacts.
? And much more.
Plus it's easy, fun and makes the most of entirely free tools.
You're guaranteed to save time, money and effort. Today is the day to jump-start your online presence and make your own free website!