"Hormones and Animal Social Behavior masterfully achieves Adkins-Regan's goal of integrating behavioral endocrinology with ecological and evolutionary studies. . . . I predict that this outstanding book will soon become a classic in behavioral biology."--Randy J. Nelson, BioScience
"Elizabeth Adkins-Regan takes the reader sledding from brain behavior and from hormones to gene expression, up and down through levels of analysis that often change within a single sentence."--Ellen D. Ketterson, Science
"Adkins-Regan's book is a timely and very welcome contribution that will be hoped to set the standards for the study of the neuroendocrinological basis of behavior in the wild."--Aldo Poiani, Austral Ecology
"This book will, I predict, be immediately recognized as the first modern synthesis of behavioral endocrinology and behavioral ecology. Particularly attractive is its unusual organization. While beginning and ending with hormones, as have other leading texts, it differentiates itself by weaving through ascending levels of biological organization, showing readers how discovery at each level informs us about higher levels. In this way readers begin with DNA and by the end, in an almost seamless manner, find themselves contemplating the evolution of populations. Rather than a recitation of facts, the author poses and answers (when possible) a logical series of questions. Moreover, the writing is excellent."--David Crews, University of Texas, Austin
"Adkins-Regan provides an excellent, well-written source of information that will be valuable not only to behavioral ecologists and endocrinologists but to a much wider audience within biology--where it will be valuable reading to anyone who thinks about why animals do what they do. She has incorporated and synthesized information at multiple levels, successfully bridging the gap from mechanisms to ultimate outcomes. I would be surprised if anyone who reads this book does not come away with both a new appreciation for the complexity of the relationships between hormones and behaviors, and some valuable new directions for their own research."--Stephan J. Schoech, University of Memphis Chapter 1: Hormonal Mechanisms 1 Chapter 2: Mating, Fighting, Parenting, and Signaling 34 Chapter 3: Social Relationships and Social Organization 92 Chapter 4: Development of Sexes and Types 131 Chapter 5: Evolutionary Change and Species Differences 179 Chapter 6: Life Stages and Life Histories 224 Chapter 7: Phylogeny:Conservation and Innovation 256 Afterword 285
Preface xiii
Why Does Social Behavior Need Hormonal Regulation? 3
Steroids 4
Steroid Synthesis and Metabolism 7
Steroid Measurement and Dynamics 9
Neuropeptides and Prolactin 11
Where and How Do Steroids Act to Alter Behavior? 13
Steroid Manipulation 18
Mechanisms of Peptide Action 19
Multiple Messengers,Multiple Behaviors 20
Hormones,Plasticity,and Development 21
How the Necessary Control of Steroids by the Environment Is Achieved: The HPG and HPA Axes 23
Diversity in Mechanisms 29
How "Costly" Are These Hormonal Mechanisms? 30
Courtship and Mating 34
Individual and Species Variation in Hormone Dependence of Mating Behavior 42
Female Mating Behavior and Sex Differences in Hormone Dependence 44
Aggressive Behavior 49
Parental Behavior 52
How Hormones Alter Behavior: Circuits, Networks, and Processes 58
Daily and Seasonal Rhythms of Social Behavior 65
Hormones and Signaling 71
Hormonal Responses to Signals and Cues 82
Sociality 93
Dominance 94
Territoriality 98
Mating Systems 102
Mate Choice 108
Pairbonding 112
Parent -Offspring and Sibling Relationships 117
Cooperative Breeding and Alloparenting 122
Conclusions 130
Sex Determination and Morphological Sexual Differentiation 131
Sex Differences in Behavior and Brains 135
Sex Differences Due to Activational Hormone Effects 138
The Organization of Behavioral Sex Differences in Mammals 139
The Direct Genetic Differentiation Hypothesis 146
The Development of Sex Differences in Birds: Progress and Puzzles 148
Sexual Differentiation of Behavior in Other Vertebrates 155
Do Invertebrates Have Hormonally Organized Sex Differences in Behavior? 158
Sex-Changing Fish 160
Within-Sex Types (Within-Sex Dimorphism) 165
Comparative Overview 172
Heritable Phenotypic Variation: Individual Differences and Their Basis 179
Reproductive Success and Differential Fitness 187
Responses to Selection 193
Correlated Traits, Hormones,Costs, and Evolutionary Change 200
Hormones,Sexes,and Sexual Selection 202
Putting Hormonal Mechanisms in the Foreground 205
Genetic Architecture and Hormonally Based Sexual Dimorphism 213
The Perspective from Evolutionary Developmental Biology 214
Species Comparisons in Hormones and Behavior 218
Conclusions 222
Life Histories,Fitness,and Hormones 224
Life Stages Prior to Reproductive Maturity 226
Onset of Reproductive Maturity: Puberty 233
Aging and Senescence 239
Hormones,Social Behavior, and Life History Trade-Offs 247
Conclusions 255
Oxytocin Family Peptides and Their Receptors 256
GnRH and Its Receptors 260
Steroid Receptors 263
Steroids and Steroidogenic Enzymes 266
Behavioral Phylogeny, Brains, and the Conservation Paradox 269
Steroid-Modulated Vocalization 272
Mating Behavior 276
Parental Behavior 277
Sex Determination and Sexual Differentiation 279
Conclusions 283
References 287
Index 365