Five more fairy tale girls take center stage in this installment of the sexy Fairy Tale Twist anthology. With How Little Bo Peep Lost Her Sheep, sexy Little Bo Peep is tending to her sheep, but the life of a shepherd isn?t the most exciting. Until a fellow shepherd approaches her with the offer of a quick roll in the hay to pass the time, but will her sheep still be there when she returns? In Punishment For Porridge Goldilocks finds out what happens when you take advantage of someone else?s house and they find you in their bed. Ravaged By the Beast Belle has comes to the Beast?s castle and wants nothing more than to use her body to try and tame him. The Wicked Witch of the West has captured Dorothy but she cannot remove her ruby slippers; however that doesn?t mean she can?t take off the rest of Dorothy?s clothes in I?ll Get You My Pretty and Your Little Panties Too. Finally Snow White is on the run but the man hunting her will agree to become her protector if she will lay in the snow with him.