Argumento de Facility Coding Exam Review 2013 - E-book (ebook)
With the expert insight of leading coding educator Carol J. Buck, this complete exam review highlights the content you?ll need to master to pass the AHIMA CCS certification exam and take your coding career to the next step. CCS Coding Exam Review 2013: The Certification Step with ICD-9-CM features an easy-to-follow outline format that guides you through the anatomy, terminology, and pathophysiology for each organ system; reimbursement concepts; an overview of CPT, ICD-9-CM, and HCPCS coding; and more. Two full practice exams and a final exam modeled on the actual CCS exam simulate the testing experience and help prepare you for success.
- Companion Evolve website
includes electronic practice exams thatsimulate the actual AHIMA exam experience to help you overcome test anxiety.- Pre-, post-, and final exams
allow you to track your learning.- Answers and rationales reinforce your understanding of coding concepts.
- Updates, study tips, and helpful web links aid your understanding.
Comprehensive CCS coverage highlights essential information for passing the AHIMA CCS exam, accompanied by detailed figures, for the most efficient exam review.Concise outline format gives you quick and easy access to content and helps you make the most of your study time.
- NEW! Facility-based coding activities challenge you to apply your knowledge to 35 realistic inpatient case scenarios, providing valuable practice and preparation for the CCS exam.
0Success StrategiesCourse Syllabus and Student Calendar
Unit 1: Anatomy, Terminology, and Pathophysiology
- Integumentary System
- Musculoskeletal System
- Respiratory System
- Cardiovascular System
- Female Genital System and Pregnancy
- Male Genital System
- Urinary System
- Digestive System
- Mediastinum and Diaphragm
- Hemic and Lymphatic System
- Endocrine System
- Nervous System
- Senses
- Unit 1 Quiz Answers
Unit 2: Reimbursement Issues and Data Quality
- Reimbursement Issues
- National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI)
- Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs)
- Prospective Payment Systems (PPS)
- Medicare Severity Diagnosis-Related Groups (MS-DRG)
- Post Acute Transfer
- Present on Admission Indicator (POA)
- Hospital-Acquired Conditions (HAC)
- Revenue Codes
- Data Quality
- Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
- Managed Health Care
- Abbreviations
- Reimbursement Terminology
- Reimbursement Quiz
- Reimbursement Quiz Answers
Unit 3: Overview of CPT, ICD-9-CM, and HCPCS Coding
- Introduction to Medical Coding
- HCPCS Coding
- ICD-9-CM Overview
- Using ICD-9-CM
- ICD-9-CM Chapters 1-10
- ICD-9-CM Chapters 11-14
- ICD-9-CM Chapters 15-21
- Outpatient Coding
- ICD-9-PCS, Reporting Inpatient Procedures
Unit 4: Coding Challenge
- Examinations
- Guidelines
- Pre-Examination and Post-Examination
- Final Examination
- Grading of the Examination
- Acuity Sheet
- Pre-/Post-Examination, Part II
- Final Examination, Part II
Appendix A: Resources (Web-Based)
Appendix B: Medical Terminology
Appendix C: Combining Forms
Appendix D: Prefixes
Appendix E: Suffixes
Appendix F: Abbreviations
Appendix G: Further Text Resources
Appendix H: Pharmacology Review
Appendix I: Practice Exercises Answers and Rationales