Argumento de English for Future Teachers: Learning English In An Educational Context (ebook)
English for Future Teachers: Learning English in an Educational Context es un cuaderno cuyo objetivo principal es el de familiarizar a los futuros docentes, tanto de Educación Infantil, como de Primaria y de Educación Social, con el inglés relacionado con su ámbito profesional. Para ello se proponen diversos textos y actividades orales y escritas relacionadas con la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, en las que predominan el vocabulario del área en cuestión y las expresiones más comunes de la especialidad0CONTENTS PRESENTACIÓN CUADERNOS PARA LA DOCENCIA INTRODUCCIÓN TOPIC I: EDUCATION 1. Starting out! 2. Education 2.1. Understanding the text 2.1.1. Comparison 2.2. Words from the text 2.3. Finding out information 3. Revise your grammar. Relatives 3.1. Joining sentences 4. Useful grammar 5. Filling gaps 6. Words at work: Adjectives + prepositions 7. Types of state-funded schools in England 7.1. Understanding the text 7.1.1. True or false 7.1.2. Reading comprehension 7.2. Words from the text 7.3. Filling gaps 8. Language focus 8.1. Rephrasing 8.2. Making suggestions 8.3. Speaking out 9. Revise your grammar. The passive voice 9.1. Rewrite the following sentences 9.2. Write the active forms TOPIC II: TEACHING AND LEARNING 1. Starting out! 2. Being a teacher 2.1. Understanding the text 2.2. Words from the text 2.3. Useful grammar 2.3.1. Give the references 3. Filling gaps 4. Revise your grammar. Reported speech (questions, orders, requests) 4.1. Choosing the correct answer 4.2. Rewrite the following sentences 5. Language focus 5.1. Rephrasing 5.2. Complete the crossword 5.3. Writing 6. Learning styles in the classroom 6.1. Understanding the text 6.1.1. Answering questions 6.1.2. True or false 6.2. Words from the text 7. Words at work 8. Filling gaps 9. Finding words 10. Writing. Paragraphs 10.1. Join sentences to write paragraphs 10.2. Writing your own paragraph on learning TOPIC III: IN THE CLASSROOM 1. Starting out! 2. In the classroom 2.1. Understanding the text 2.2. Summary 2.3. Words from the text 3. Filling gaps 4. Language focus 4.1. Rephrasing 5. Words at work 6. Revise your grammar. Conditionals 6.1. Matching 6.2. Writing 7. Speaking out 8. Special Needs 8.1. Understanding the text 8.1.1. Reading comprehension 8.2. Words at work. Acronyms 8.2.1. Joining acronyms with their definitions 8.3. Selecting key words from the text related to the educational. field 8.4. Words from the text 9. Filling gaps 10. Speaking out. Taking decisions in class TOPIC IV: LESSON PLAN 1. Starting out! 2. Lesson plan 2.1. Understanding the text 2.1.1. True or false 2.2. Words from the text 2.3. Definitions 3. Revise your grammar. Linking words 3.1. Connectors 3.2. Completing sentences 3.3. Phrasal verbs 4. Filling gaps 5. Finding out information 6. Words at work 7. Bloom?s taxonomy 7.1. Finding out information 7.2. Words from the text 7.3. Words at work TOPIC V: CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING (CLIL) & MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES 1. Starting out! 2. Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) 2.1. Understanding the text 2.2. Finding out information 2.3. Word definition 3. Filling gaps 4. English teaching and learning 4.1. Acronyms 5. Multiple intelligences 5.1. Understanding the text 6. Educational technology 6.1. Translation BIBLIOGRAPHY