Martin Loiperdinger is Professor of Media Studies at Trier University and has published articles, books, television shows, exhibitions, and DVDs on the topic of early cinema.
"[T]oday's programming of early cinema... has to consider the audience if it wants to be successful in making the visual heritage available to as many people as possible. Early Cinema Today shows in a fascinating, versatile, and refreshing way how this can be implemented... [This book] provides practitioners with innovative ideas on how to engage potential audiences, while providing scholars with valuable insight into how film archivists and curators shape perceptions of early cinema and, through this, the direction of film scholarship." ?The Moving Image
"[This] collection presents a wide range of approaches to the programming of early film, both historically and in the present-day context, while sounding a vibrant and timely call to review the relation that has evolved between scholars, archivists, and film programmers in matters relating to the programming of early cinema today." ?Film History Introduction I. Programming and Performing Early Cinema Today: Outstanding Examples ?From the Bottom of the Sea?: Early Film at the Oberhausen Festival Tom Gunning From the Past to the Future: Suffragettes: Extremists of Visibility in Berlin Madeleine Bernstorff Silent Films in their First Decades: Objects for Research or for Exhibition? Eric de Kuyper Programming the Local: Mitchell & Kenyon and the Local Film Show Vanessa Toulmin II. Crazy Cinématographe: The Crazy Cinématographe, or the Art of the Impromptu Spectator Dick Tomasovic The Art of Crazy Programming: Documentation of Crazy Cinématographe Programmes, 2007 to 2010 Claude Bertemes and Nicole Dahlen Conclusion Contributors
Stimulating the Audience: Early Cinema?s Short Film Programme Format 1906 to 1912 Andrea Haller and Martin Loiperdinger
The Best Years of Film History: A Hundred Years Ago Mariann Lewinsky
Early Cinema Performance on the Luxembourg Fairground
Back to the Future: Early Cinema and Late Economy of Attention: An interim report about Crazy Cinématographe Claude Bertemes and Nicole Dahlen
Programming and Performing Early Cinema Today: Strategies and Dispositifs Frank Kessler
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