Devan?s Monster is a dark-humored fantasy tale of human intolerance and social bias. Within the body of the storyline the main character, "Devan Johnson" is faced with the surreal challenge of dealing with a real life monster who calls himself Nos Stre?.
At first Devan, fights against the monster, "Nos Stre? ", which he has let lose on the earth through a beautiful Indonesian box. However later, as the story progresses, Devan?s perception of the monster, "Nos Stre? ", changes as Devan?s original presumption of who is and who is not a monster is blurred.
Devan?s perception begins to change when he begins to see more and more of the monster?s negative attributes within the human race. This realization ultimately leads Devan to the epiphany that the true monsters exist within and not without.