Nittaya Siriwadana's life takes a whole new course when a friend introduces her to the intriguing, seductive world of the 21st Century Cyber Girl. Suddenly, this naive, out-of-work university graduate smells a small fortune. And all she needs do to reap the rewards is invest an hour or two each day snaring lonely, unsuspecting western men by e-mail. It isn't long before Nid, as she is known, outshines her mentor -- but her new-found wealth doesn't come without a price. Excitement and suspense enter Nid's life as she is forced to balance time between western lovers and Kwan, her new Thai boyfriend. Kwan's criminal activities shatter Nid's dreams, exposing her to Bangkok's vicious underbelly of drugs, murder and revenge.
Nid ultimately finds true love only to have its promise snatched away as her life hangs by a thread in a violent, action-filled ending to an emotion-packed story.