We are re-defining the face of ageing on a daily basis, with the Baby Boom generation in the vanguard, followed by younger generations who are similarly intrigued by non-invasive natural solutions that are integrative rather than purely cosmetic.
Constitutional Facial Acupuncture has begun to make an impact on popular culture and outmoded perceptions about the nature of authentic beauty and the ageing process.
Acupuncturists who practice in this field are increasingly expected to have specialized training and knowledge, outside the customary parameters of the more traditional approaches.
This book introduces a complete Constitutional Facial Acupuncture protocol that is comprehensive, effective and clearly organized, with illustrative color photographs and facial needling diagrams. Its strong constitutional components are unique, adhere to the principles of Chinese medicine, and are rooted in the three levels of treatment ? Jing, Ying and Wei.
Introduction: Constitutional facial acupuncture: changing the face of aging
Chapter 1: The mythic quest for beauty, from Venus to Kuan Yin
Chapter 2: Bodyscapes
Chapter 3: The eight extraordinary meridians
Chapter 4: The twelve regular meridians
Chapter 5: The twelve tendinomuscular meridians
Chapter 6: Practical specifics
Chapter 7: Constitutional facial acupuncture protocol
Chapter 8: Special treatments: constitutional psychospiritual points
Chapter 9: Chinese topical herbal treatments and essential oil protocols
Chapter 10: A personal note from the author