Complete PET for Spanish Speakers is a new editin of the succesful Cambridge course for the PET exam. It combines the very best, in contemporary classroom practice with stimulating topics aimed a teenagers and young adults. The course covers every part of the exam in detail providing preparation, practice, information and advice to ensure that Spanish-speakers students are fully prepared for each part of the exam.
Informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, Complete PET for Spanish Speakers contains new material specifically targeting areas that Spanish-speaking candidate typically find most challenging.
-12 topic- based units each covering one part of each of the PET exam papers.
- exercises focusing on common Spanish- speaking PET candidate problem areas, using data from the Cambridge Learner Corpus.
- Speaking tips and a brand new Spelling and sound section to help Spanish speakers perform better in the speaking exam and with their pronuntation
-an offical past PET exam provided by Cambridge ESOL, as well as a model PET for schools practice paper
- A CD_ROM (for Windows XP and Vista) with additional practice for self-study
-a comprehensive Grammar reference section
-a reference section with extra guidance for the Writing and Speaking papers
-the answer key and recording scripts