With all the most relevant therapies you need to know discussed in detail, Complementary Therapies for Physical Therapy: A Clinical Decision-Making Approach includes the information you need to incorporate evidence-based complementary therapies into your PT practice. Organized and based on the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine?s classification system, this book begins with a basic overview of CAM therapies and progresses to clinical decision-making and integration of CAM therapies into physical therapy. Helpful boxes and tables throughout the book summarize literature searches, examination findings, and goals for treatment. Plus, case scenarios written by expert CAM practitioners help illustrate the practical uses of alternative therapies within the physical therapy setting to help you incorporate CAM therapies into your everyday practice.
Winner of a 2008 PROSE Award for Professional and Scholarly Excellence.
Received top honors in the nursing and allied health book category from the Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division of the Association of American Publishers.
2. Conceptual Framework for Clinical Decision-Making in Complementary and Alternative Medicine
3. Modifiers of Clinical Decision-Making Related to CAM
4. Alternative Medical Systems
5. Acupuncture
6. Arnica
7. Mind-Body Interventions
8. Therapeutic Aspects of Yoga
9. Tai Chi
10. Biologically-Based Therapies
11. Ginkgo Biloba
12. Glucosamine Chondroitin
13. Energy Therapy Overview
14. Therapeutic Touch
15. Qi Gong
16. Magnets
17. Reiki
18. Manual Body-Based Therapies
19. Rolfing
20. Feldenkrais
21. Alexander
22. Craniosacral Therapy
23. Pilates