The Clinical Companion for Ignatavicius & Workman: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, 7th Edition, is an easy-to-use, A-Z guide to 245 common medical-surgical conditions and their management. Written in a reader-friendly, direct-address style, this handbook is a convenient quick reference that you can carry with you on clinical days.
Cancer Pathophysiology
Cancer Treatment Issues
End-of-Life Care
Inflammation and Immunity
Perioperative Care
Substance Abuse
Part Two: Diseases and Disorders
Alphabetical entries for 245 common medical-surgical conditions
1. Guide to Head-To-Toe Physical Assessment of Adults,
2. Terminology Associated With Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
3. Laboratory Values
4. Interventions for Common Environmental Emergencies
5. Chemical and Biological Agents of Terrorism
6. Discharge Planning
7. Electrocardiographic Complexes, Segments, and Intervals
8. The Patient Requiring Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation
9. The Patient Requiring Chest Tubes
10. Communication Quick Reference for Spanish-Speaking Patients