Gain a quick and easy understanding of this complex subject with the 2nd edition of Cellular Physiology and Neurophysiology by doctors Mordecai P. Blaustein, Joseph PY Kao, and Donald R. Matteson. The expanded and thoroughly updated content in this Mosby Physiology Monograph Series title bridges the gap between basic biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, neuroscience, and organ and systems physiology, providing the rich, clinically oriented coverage you need to master the latest concepts in neuroscience. See how cells function in health and disease with extensive discussion of cell membranes, action potentials, membrane proteins/transporters, osmosis, and more. Intuitive and user-friendly, this title is a highly effective way to learn cellular physiology and neurophysiology.
Test your knowledge of the material with an appendix of multiple-choice review questions, complete with correct answers
SECTION I: Fundamental Physicochemical Concepts
1 Introduction: Homeostasis and Cellular Physiology
2 Diffusion and Permeability
3 Osmotic Pressure and Water Movement
4 Electrical Consequences of Ionic Gradients
SECTION II: Ion Channels and Excitable Membranes
5 Ion Channels
6 Passive Electrical Properties of Membranes
7 Generation and Propagation of the Action Potential
8 Ion Channel Diversity
SECTION III: Solute Transport
9 Electrochemical Potential Energy and Transport Processes
10 Passive Solute Transport
11 Active Transport
SECTION IV: Physiology of Synaptic Transmission
12 Synaptic Physiology I
13 Synaptic Physiology II
SECTION V: Molecular Motors and Muscle Contraction
14 Molecular Motors and the Mechanism of Muscle Contraction
15 Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Muscle
16 Mechanics of Muscle Contraction
A Abbreviations, Symbols, and Numerical Constants
B A Mathematical Refresher
C Root-Mean-Squared Displacement of Diffusing Molecules
D Summary of Elementary Circuit Theory
E Answers to Study Problems
F Review Examination