Cancer Management in Small Animal Practice provides you with all the tools needed to diagnose, stage, and manage the many different disease entities known as "cancer." This manual is designed to provide you with easy-to-access, clinically relevant details for complete care of the small animal cancer patient, while considering the needs, concerns, and capabilities of the client. It provides quick reference sections for information not included in current oncology texts, including drug interactions and resources for participation in clinical trials. All information is well referenced and the reference section on the accompanying website includes links to the original and related articles.
1. Pathophysiology and Tumor Cell Growth
2. Genetic Basis of Cancer
3. Veterinary Cancer Etiology
A. Environmental, Chemical, and Physical Carcinogens
B. Viral Carcinogenesis
C. Hormonal Impact on Carcinogenesis
Part 2 Evidence-Based Approaches to Cancer in Companion Animals
4. Cancer Epidemiology and Statistics
5. Clinical Trial Design and Access to Clinical Research Studies
Part 3 Cancer Diagnosis and Staging
6. Methods of Tumor Diagnosis: Fine-Needle Aspiration and Biopsy Techniques
7. The Cytology of Neoplasia
8. Histopathology, Immunohistochemistry, and Tumor Grading
9. Imaging Methods in Cancer Diagnosis
A. Radiography
B. Ultrasound
C. Endoscopy
10. Advanced Imaging Modalities
A. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
B. Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
C. Nuclear Scintigraphy
11. Paraneoplastic Syndromes
Part 4 The Management of Cancer
12. Chemotherapy
A. Basic Chemotherapy Principles
B. Chemotherapy Drug Interactions
C. Safe Handling of Chemotherapy Drugs
D. Chemotherapy Preparation
E. Chemotherapy Administration
F. Formulary and Sources of Chemotherapeutic Agents
13. Managing Oncologic Emergencies
A. Tumor- and Treatment-related Complications
B. Treatment of Chemotherapy Extravasations
C. Transfusion Considerations
14. Surgical Interventions in Cancer
15. Radiation Therapy
A. External Beam Radiation Therapy (Teletherapy) and Brachytherapy
B. Radioisotopes in Cancer Therapy
C. Management of Radiation Toxicity and Complications
16. Immunotherapy
17. Photodynamic Therapy
18. Supportive Care of the Cancer Patient
A. Prevention and Management of Nausea and Vomiting
B. Nutritional Management of the Cancer Patient
C. Assessment and Management of Pain in the Cancer Patient
D. Palliative Care for the Cancer Patient
Part 5 Specific Malignancies ? A Head-to-Tail Approach
19. Nervous System Neoplasia
20. Tumors of the Head and Neck
A: Oral Tumors
B: Nasal Tumors
C: Ocular and Periocular Tumors
D: Aural Tumors
E: Skull Tumors
F: Esophageal Tumors
G: Laryngeal and Tracheal Tumors
21. Tumors of the Thoracic Cavity
A: Primary Respiratory Tumors
B: Mediastinal Tumors
C: Metastatic Respiratory Tumors
D: Rib and Pleural Tumors
E: Cardiac and Heart-based Tumors
22. Tumors of the Abdominal Cavity
A: Stomach Tumors
B: Intestinal Tumors
C: Liver, Gall Bladder, and Non-endocrine Pancreatic Tumors
D: Splenic Tumors
E: Female Reproductive Tumors
F: Mammary Tumors
G: Male Reproductive Tumors
H: Renal Tumors
I: Bladder and Urethral Tumors
J: Prostate Tumors
23. Tumors of the Skin, Subcutis, and Other Soft Tissues
A: Skin Tumors
B: Nail Bed Tumors
C: Foot Pad Tumors
D: Mast Cell Tumors
E: Soft-tissue Sarcomas
F: Histiocytic Diseases
G: Perianal and Anal Sac Tumors
24. Tumors of the Musculoskeletal System
25. Tumors of the Hematopoietic System
A: Lymphoma
B: Leukemia
C: Multiple Myeloma
26. Tumors of the Endocrine System
A: Adrenal and Pituitary Tumors
B: Thyroid Tumors
C: Parathyroid Tumors
D: Pancreatic Tumors