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Building a Gis (ebook)

Autor:Dave Peters;
ISBN: EB9781589483033
Esri Press nos ofrece Building a Gis (ebook) en inglés, disponible en nuestra tienda desde el 01 de Julio del 2008.
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Argumento de Building a Gis (ebook)

Building a GIS describes a time-tested approach to system architecture design specifically intended to ensure successful GIS operations. Over many years, author Dave Peters, Esri's Director of Systems Integration, has developed and fine-tuned platform sizing models to support the systems integration of the advanced and evolving technologies we see today. This system design methodology has already led to thousands of successful GIS deployments over the last two decades. Now with a state-of-the-art Capacity Planning Tool that embodies the methodology, anyone can try out various system configurations in theory before committing their resources. The book's reach is as broad as it is detailed, proving a valuable resource for IT experts just now adopting the technology, for GIS experts just now getting into system design, and for nontechnical executives who need to take advantage of advancements in technology while managing change.0Table of contents Building a GIS: System Architecture Design Strategies for Managers By Dave Peters List of figures Foreword Preface Acknowledgments PART ONE: UNDERSTANDING THE TECHNOLOGY Chapter 1 System design process Chapter 2 Software technology Chapter 3 Network communications Chapter 4 GIS product architecture Chapter 5 Enterprise security Chapter 6 GIS data administration PART TWO: UNDERSTANDING THE FUNDAMENTALS Chapter 7 Performance fundamentals Chapter 8 Software performance Chapter 9 Platform performance PART THREE: PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Chapter 10 Capacity planning Chapter 11 Completing the system design Chapter 12 System implementation Appendix A (System performance history Aopendix B COTS security terms and procedures Appendix C Exercises Acronyms and glossary Index

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