(Short Story)
Henry and Lucas McCarty have traveled to the high lonesome of the Rocky Mountains to fulfill their wanton urges to seek out uncharted territories and gain desirable profits as respectable fur trappers and honorable mountain men. The brothers have experienced many troubling and even gruesome events ever since first stepping into the uncompromising American West. This time their hopes, dreams, and ultimately their lives hang in the balance when they come face to face with members of the bloodthirsty Blackfeet tribe.
This ebook is approximately 17 standard book pages.
Titles within the series:
Brothers of the Mountain (self-titled)
Blood on the Prairie
Grizzly Rendezvous
"Brothers of the Mountain" is a developing series of standalone adventures that depict the lives of fictional trappers/brothers Henry and Lucas McCarty. Each story not only portrays extreme action and adventure, but also represents the special breed of men who were willing to risk their lives in the adverse and hostile conditions of America's western frontier in the 1820s and 30s.