Whether you are a first time student or returning to study, it can seem very daunting. This book can help you get the most from studying and shows how to make good use of your time and achieve success. This 4th edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. It demonstrates how to develop and build on existing strengths and experiences to get the most out of any course. Using a down-to-earth and user-friendly style, it concentrates on what you need to know. It can help you to:
? get the most from reading and lectures
? access libraries
? use the Internet and databases
? develop IT skills
? learn through reflection
? develop a portfolio
? prepare assignments
? get the most from placements.
reflection points
case studies
annotated further reading
useful websites
This new edition reflects recent changes in nursing and midwifery policy and practice including aspects such as ePortfolios, the European Computer Driving Licence and podcasts
The majority of the chapters have been rewritten with either a student, or a practitioner to reflect the need for greater evidence of practice and its importance to midwifery and nursing students.
More emphasis on clinical nursing and midwifery practise by relating skills to clinical placements and employment with a new chapter on Clinical Skills.
New chapter on ?Getting ready to study?