Acupuncture in Manual Therapy is a comprehensive overview of manual therapy interventions combined with acupuncture management of musculoskeletal disorders covering all major joints of the body. The book is intended to offer physiotherapists and students of acupuncture a clinical reasoning model, whilst supporting suggested interventions with the relevant evidence base in order to alleviate pain, restore function and facilitate rehabilitation within musculoskeletal management. It places an emphasis on the neurophysiological processes of pain management stressing the importance of using the correct intervention for the relevant presenting pain mechanism. Each chapter discusses suggested manual intervention, acupuncture evidence and physiological processes underpinning this combined approach to musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction including meridian acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, electroacupuncture, tens and trigger point acupuncture as a means of addressing the varying pain patterns presented within musculoskeletal rehabilitation.
This book provides knowledge from distinctive and prominent contributors from the world of manual therapy and acupuncture whilst this expertise is further supported by the provision of student case studies to offer support and enhance learning.
1 Clinical reasoning in western acupuncture Lynley Bradnam-Roberts Clinical reasoning in traditional Chinese medicine Jennie Longbottom Case study 1 Efterpi Rompoti Case study 2 Sarah Rouse
2 The temporomandibular joint Allison Middleditch Acupuncture in the management of temporomandibular joint disorders Jennie Longbottom Case study 1 Brigit Murray
3 Cervical spine Nick Tucker Acupuncture intervention in cervical spine dysfunction Jennie Longbottom Case study 1 Charlie Plummer Case study 2 Rose Sutcliffe
4 The shoulder Jennie Longbottom Case study 1 Dan Franklin Case study 2 Kevin Hunt
5 The Elbow Jo Gibson Acupuncture and elbow dysfunction Jennie Longbottom Case study 1 Lawrence Mayhew Case study 2 Katy Williams
6 The Thoracic spine Jennie Longbottom
Acupuncture interventions with thoracic spine dysfunction Jennie Longbottom
Case study 1 Kenny Cross
Case study 2 Helen Sankey
7 Manual therapy in low back pain Claire Small
Acupuncture in low back pain Jennie Longbottom
Case study 1 Siobhan Byrne
Case study 2 Hannah Edwards
8 The sacroiliac joint and pelvis Howard Turner
Acupuncture within manual therapy Jennie Longbottom
Case study 1 Cathie Morrow
Case study 2 Daniel Christopher Martin
9 The hip Jennie Longbottom
Case study 1 Anonymous
Case study 2 Sharon Helsby
Case study 3 James Thomson
10 Anterior Knee pain Lee Herrington
Acupuncture in the management of knee pain Jennie Longbottom
Case study 1 Andy Reynolds
Case study 2 Melissa Johnson
11 Musculoskeletal Injuries in the foot and ankle Cherye Roche
Acupuncture in lower limb dysfunction Jennie Longbottom
Case study 1 Sarah Tribe
Case study 2 Eghon Murray
12 Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators for Pain Management Mark I Johnson
Case study 1 Anonymous
Case study 2 Matthew Walmsley