Written specifically for the dental patient, this resource provides practical information about dental health and treatment options. Readers can access easy-to-understand information about solutions to their dental problems and about how to maintain a healthy smile for life.
Dentistry for Mature People, 10. Implant Dentistry, Substitutes for Tooth Roots Placed into Your Jaw, 11 Occlusion, Your Bite, the Way Your Teeth Come Together, Temporomandibular Joints, Temporomandibular Dysfunction, 12. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine Diseases and Surgery Related to the Oral and Facial Areas, 13. Orthodontics, Straightening Teeth,
14. Pediatric Dentistry, Dentistry for Children,15. Periodontics, Gums and Bone Surrounding Teeth, 16. Prosthodontics, Fixed Crowns or Bridges Cemented Onto Teeth, 17. Prosthodontics, Removable Dentures Replacing All or Some Teeth, 18. Restorative or Operative Dentistry, Fillings for Teeth, 19. Preventing the Need for Dental Treatment, 20. Additional Sources of Information