Laoism is the first ever book on the complete teachings of Lao Zi, an ancient Chinese philosopher-sage. It is also the first English depiction to distinguish Lao Zi's teachings from Taoism, a native religion of China. Endless revelations and commentaries on his text of Tao Te Ching (text) have been, and continuously exist in Chinese and many other languages, but not yet a complete work between the text and its poetic summary: the Lao Zi's self-invented fourteen-character couplet. The couplet, as old as the text, has been circulating secretively only in a few monasteries. This makes the writers throughout the history not being able to get a full picture on his work and the public inaccessible. The completion of such a project must be a combination of the spiritual inclination into the text and the heart-sealed connection with Lao Zi's spirit. The time has come.